Podcast 26: Writing for millennials and why it’s not all me, me, me

Millennials/Generation Y are coming into positions of influence within businesses, so what does this mean for people tasked with writing B2B copy?

The face of the global workforce is changing, and if you’re writing copy for a B2B brand then you’ve got a whole new audience to deal with. Those born between 1980 and 2000 are often considered to be Millennials or Generation Y’ers. And they’re taking over the workplace in unforeseen ways.

From the hype about being self-obsessed to the more accurate picture of people concerned about ethics in and outside the boardroom: there’s a lot of information (and misinformation) flying around about millennials at work.

But what are the real differences between Generation Y and X? Do these differences matter? And just what does it all mean for copywriters working on B2B marketing content?

In a world where nearly half of all researchers of business purchases are millennials: it means a lot.

In this episode, Fiona and I explore how millennials view marketing content, and how you can write with this age group in mind.

Listen now to find out:

  • How technology has shaped millennial attitudes to advertising and marketing
  • The different ways in which Generation X and Y perceive marketing
  • Why old-school marketing tactics are unlikely to work with the new generation
  • How to engage millennials through your copy
  • … and more

Download the episode here (right-click and “save as” to download). Or listen in the player at the top of the page.

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Music by Industrial and Marine.

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