In 2014 we’ve seen predictions of an impending content shock, an increased appreciation for well written copy, stirrings of discontent with tried and tested formats (like eBooks) and a lot more play out in B2B marketing.
Overall, 70% of B2B marketers are creating more marketing content than they were a year ago. And as you’ll hear when we discuss the continued adoption of marketing automation – it definitely seems like brands are producing more content to feed their automation machines. But is this content always informative and interesting, and created with the customer in mind?
In this episode, Fiona and I analyse 10 copywriting and content marketing trends that have rocked B2B this year. And not all of them may be with us in 2015.
Listen now to find out:
- How native advertising turned audiences against it
- What Google’s continuing algorithm changes mean for copywriters
- Why better storytelling techniques mean better B2B videos
- Why more marketers are appreciating the value of good copy
- The benefits of customer focused content
… and more
Download the episode here (right-click and “save as” to download). Or listen in the player at the top of the page.
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Music by Industrial and Marine.
Useful links
BrightTalk: The CMO Content Marketing Show
Radix: Is it game over for native advertising?
Sophos: Your future self called: Zombies
Adobe: Mean Streets – Wife