Sometimes, we hear whispered horror stories about the obstacles B2B marketers have to get over, just to get their content out into the world. It reminds us that behind every piece of disappointing B2B content, there’s a marketer who was prevented from publishing the thing they really wanted.
So we wanted to get to the bottom of the issue, and find out about the frustrations that get in the way of the job. Here’s a quick survey (it shouldn’t take more than five minutes, unless you’re really having a traumatic time)… or if you prefer, you can complete it on Surveymonkey.
We’ll collate and publish the results in due course (if you’d like us to keep you posted, sign up for email updates below). And we’ll also use the findings to plan our own marketing work for the next year, to make sure we focus on things that actually help you do the job you want to do.
Finally, please do share this link far and wide, among B2B marketers in your network. The more responses we get, the more representative the results will be.