Nine Sacred Principles of Badass B2B Web Copy

Life is too short for bad B2B copy, so we’ve put together a guide to help you get it right first time, every time.

Nine Sacred Principles of Badass B2B Web Copy

I charge you with a sacred quest. Go and make the B2B internet a better place. Friendlier. More audience-focused. Easier to read.

Between us all, we can make it happen.”

If you happen to read a lot of B2B web copy you may have noticed that a lot of it isn’t…well, very good.

There are numerous sins that are committed frequently: rambling text, identikit tones of voice, pointless pages that muddy the waters, and perhaps worst of all, countless organisations unwilling to talk about anything other than themselves and their products.

Quite frankly it’s a minefield, and when you end up with an industry that has a reputation for bad writing, it’s so much easier for everyone else to stop trying. For bland to become the norm.

Not for us. We’re taking a stand, and we’re taking you with us. It’s time we demanded more from B2B.

Your guide to writing badass B2B web copy

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At Radix B2B web copy is our bread and butter. So, we’ve taken the opportunity to pool our collective expertise and write a guide that will help make sure your copy starts turning heads for the all the right reasons.

We’ve boiled our experience down into nine sacred principles that cover every aspect of writing B2B copy for the web, the right way.

You’ll learn:

  • How to stay focused on your goal and write crystal clear copy
  • How to be less ‘me, me, me’ and more ‘you, you, you’
  • Why empathy, kindness, and integrity are key to your success
  • The value of always knowing the next step in the process

Ready to revolutionise B2B?

If you want to join us on our copywriting revolution, now’s the time to get started. Download Nine Sacred Principles of Badass B2B Web Copy here.


As one of our longest-serving copywriters, John’s worked with every kind of Radix client there is. It’s this experience that enables him to compose clear and compelling copy tailored to each client’s specific needs. His enviable creative writing skills also make him one of our go-to writers for video scripts, infographics, and enterprise animation work.

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