Have you ever met a party bore, who talks about nothing but themselves? Who only asks you what you think about something as a pretext to tell you what they think? (If not, I hate to break it to you, but it’s probably you.)
But that’s exactly what most B2B websites are like. “Enough about me, let’s talk about you: what do you think of me?”
You arrive, and straight away you’re greeted with a bland factual statement about what they do. Or when they were founded. Or (heaven help us) what their mission is.
When actually, all you really want to know is “can you help me?”
The most important person on any web page is the reader – what they want, why they’re there, what they want to know. How do you satisfy them, help them, maybe even prompt a conversation.
Sounds obvious, right? (After all, until someone points a web browser at your page, it doesn’t even exist), but still most B2B web copy seems to be written for the sole satisfaction of the company behind the site. People seem to think “we ought to have something about that…” whether or not anyone really cares.
Any copy, content, message or information on your website is only relevant if it materially affects or interests the reader.
If it’s not adding any value for your website visitor – if it makes no difference to them – it’s not helping your page achieve its objective. So cut it.
Because your website is about them, not about you.
Write badass B2B web copy. Here’s how.
No gates, no forms, no “give us your email”. Just download our free eBook.
(We take no responsibility for your suddenly enhanced awesomeness.)