RIP: the B2B infographic (2012-2016)

2016 will be remembered for a slew of celebrity deaths – and our research shows content marketing had a high-profile casualty of its own…

RIP: the B2B infographic (2012-2016)

When was the last time you saw a B2B infographic?

We haven’t seen one for a while. In fact, we’ve seen so few in the last 12 months, we’re ready to call the format’s time of death – placing it among the biggest content casualties of 2016.

The unexpected demise of the infographic is just one of six major B2B marketing trends we’ve spotted over the last year.

Trends you’ve spotted?

Yes indeed. As copywriters to over 60 of the world’s leading B2B tech brands, we work on hundreds and hundreds of marketing projects annually, across tens of industries.

And as good business people, we track those projects to within an inch of their boxy little lives. The result is stacks of seriously interesting data.

Each January, we see what this data (and the latest research from analytical pros like CMI and MarketingProfs) can tell us about the current state of B2B content marketing. The results are never less than fascinating.

Like our discovery that B2B case studies – no longer counted as content by the CMI, and as a result, effectively invisible to causal trend-watchers – experienced a huge leap in popularity in 2016. Or the revelation that social media content took a staggering nosedive.

As is rapidly becoming traditional, David and Emily have pulled together the biggest talking points, adding their expert analysis along the way. And this time, our new writer Katy has designed* the hell out of them, creating the handsome SlideShare you’ll find below.

Click away – and see whether our findings echo your own adventures in the world of B2B content creation. (When you’re done, be sure to share your thoughts. We love discussing this stuff, and readily respond to comments, tweets, and invitations to the pub.)

*Yes, designed. Many of our writers have hidden talents. You should see Steve in a rap battle.


Kieran’s versatility as a content writer and extensive B2B marketing experience often see him singled out by clients looking to push the creative envelope. As our Head of Copy, he provides scrutiny and support in equal measure, helping us to ensure everything we produce is the best it can possibly be.


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