Podcast 35: Three kinds of B2B marketing content you’re probably missing

If you focus all your marketing content on the funnel, you’re only doing half the job. Let’s introduce you to PREFU, REFU and POFU…

Part of our funnel is missing: 3 kinds of asset content marketing forgot

Every content marketer knows about TOFU, MOFU and BOFU. We need to talk about PREFU, REFU and POFU.

Podcast 29: How we made an entire board game based on one blog post

Getting your audience to notice you through content marketing can be difficult. So we decided to do something different: we created a board game.

Funnel!: A brief history of the world’s first content marketing strategy game

Back in 2014, one of the Radix team suggested we make a board game about the role of copy in content marketing. So we did. Steve relates the epic tale of how Funnel! was born.

Why boring content isn’t bad content

You could be forgiven for thinking that B2B marketing content needs to be sexy and sparkly to perform well. In fact, boring content can work just as hard for you – if not harder, says Fiona.

Create B2B tech marketing content that really works

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