Mystique around copywriting pricing doesn't help anybody. We'll give you an all-inclusive quote in advance for any writing we do – and our price list, covering the formats we write most often, makes life easier still. (Frankly, we've no idea why more writers don't do it.)
It’s hard enough to find, evaluate and brief a B2B copywriter, without having to guess what the finished content will cost. So to make life a little easier, we’ll happily send you our copywriting price list. We just need to know which one you need…
Ask for our client-side price list, or Request our agency price list.
As part of our standard copywriting process, we’ll always send you a quote in advance for any writing we do, including all research, interviews, project management, and up to two rounds of amends. So you’ll know exactly what you’re getting, and what it’ll cost.
But after ten years, and literally thousands of content projects, we have a frighteningly clear idea of the time and cost elements involved in most writing jobs. (We’re pretty geeky about our data.)
And that gives us the confidence to publish a price list, covering the content formats we write most often.
“ Wow – that was fast. I like this service; I send you the brief, go to sleep, and wake up to fresh copy! ”
- Chris Caile, Senior Principal Product Marketing Manager, Nuance
Yup. All that mystery and dark magic, laid bare. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes, too:
For client-side B2B marketers, it helps you to compare your options, gives you fresh ideas, and get a really good handle on the best way to spend your budget.
For B2B agencies, it means your account directors don’t need to go back and forth when they’re exploring ideas with your own clients in turn; it gives you the freedom to be that bit more creative.
And most of all, it just makes life really easy (for you, and for our account managers).
OK, so the price list isn’t on this page. That’s because the data tells us direct and agency-side clients have slightly different needs, so we price accordingly (told you we were geeky). And happily, those differences also give agencies a chance to make a reasonable margin on our work.
All it means is that we need to send you the right list – so we need to know who you are:
Send me the client-side marketer’s price list ⇒
I’d prefer the B2B agency price list, please ⇒
(If you’re in any doubt, just pop a line in your email telling us who you are, and where you work, and we’ll sort it out from there.)
We love working with our international clients. The reason our price lists are in GBP is that, generally speaking, you get better value that way. We don’t want to have to include a markup to cover all the changes in the pound*, when that’s money you could otherwise be spending on sweet, sweet content. (Seriously. We’ve tried the other way, and it’s way better if we bill you in pounds.)
We’d love to hear them. By all means get in touch.
* Insert wry political aside of your choice.
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