Podcast 29: How we made an entire board game based on one blog post

Getting your audience to notice you through content marketing can be difficult. So we decided to do something different: we created a board game.

Funnel game

In Epic Content Marketing, Joe Pulizzi talks about the task facing marketers as they fight to gain the attention of their audience: a.k.a. “breaking through the clutter”. It’s a big task, and it’s becoming harder each day.

It takes a lot of creativity and perseverance to make something that’s more than just noise being blasted at your audience. To make something that not only conveys the messages a brand wants to impart, but is also something that audiences will want to interact with.

Facing up to these challenges, we created Funnel! – a board game that focuses on the role of copy in content marketing.

In this episode of Good Copy, Bad Copy, I’m joined by Steve and George to discuss how we made Funnel! here at Radix.

Listen now to find out:

  • Why we wanted to make a board game
  • The importance of sharing ideas
  • How you don’t have to be a geek to make a board game
  • What it takes to whittle down game mechanics into something elegant
  • … and more

Download the episode here (right-click and “save as” to download). Or listen in the player at the top of the page.

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Music by Industrial and Marine.

Want an even more detailed look at the making of Funnel!? Then check out Steve’s blog post.

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