Radix Copycast Episode 24: Doug Kessler talks intelligent content and copywriting

We bring you the lowdown from TFM&A 2015 – plus an exclusive interview with Velocity’s Doug Kessler about intelligent content and its impact on B2B copywriting.

B2B marketing has been going through a great many changes over the past three years, from the rise of content marketing to the adoption of marketing automation by many brands.

Today, 86% of B2B marketers use content marketing and 65% of information technology companies have adopted marketing automation.

But what about new technologies, and ways of producing and presenting content? Emily gives us the lowdown from this year’s Technology for Marketing & Advertising as regards new technology trends on show.

As we discussed in episode 23, intelligent content is a huge meteor that could be about to crash into content marketing – but many copywriters don’t even suspect it’s on its way.

So we’re delighted to have an interview with one of the B2B marketing sector’s top visionaries (not to mention one of its best copywriters and one of our favourite clients); the man that warned us about Crap: Doug Kessler, co-founder and Creative Director of Velocity Partners. In our exclusive interview, Doug shares his thoughts with us on intelligent content and what it means for B2B copywriters.

Listen now to find out:

  • Which marketing technology trends were on show at TFM&A 2015
  • Whether intelligent content will catch on in marketing organisations…
  • …and if so, whether it means copywriters will need to learn new skills
  • Six key B2B marketing takeaways from TFM&A
  • … and more

Download the episode here (right-click and “save as” to download). Or listen in the player at the top of the page.

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Music by Industrial and Marine.

Useful links

6 not-so-surprising marketing lessons from TFM&A 2015

Intelligent Content Demystified: A Practical, Easy-to-Understand Explanation

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