249 search results for best content

First copywriting project for a new client? Here’s what to do.

First projects for new clients are fraught with risks. Here’s how to have the best chance of producing a great piece of work without going over time or budget.

Why great writing isn’t the only skill that B2B tech copywriters need

A great copywriter needs to be able to do much more than just write a nice sentence or two. This post looks at the six key skills that every B2B technology copywriter should learn.

Radix Copycast Episode 15 – Six core skills every B2B technology copywriter needs

This month on the Radix podcast: essential skills for B2B technology copywriters, plus why two heads can be better than one for some writing projects.

Editorial Calendars: why you need one and how to make one in Trello

An editorial calendar is one of the most important items in the content marketer’s toolkit. Having recently created our own, Emily shares why you need one and what she used to create ours.

When storytelling goes bad: the misappropriation of stories by marketers

Marketers have been told repeatedly that we love listening to people tell stories. But have marketers been using storytelling effectively?

Why everything you thought you knew about subject lines is wrong (maybe)

Writing subject lines that grabs the attention of an audience is tough. So what can copywriters do to get people to pay attention?

Welcome to the Radix Copycast – a copywriting podcast for B2B technology marketers

This week we unveil the Radix Copycast – a new podcast exploring trends and issues in B2B technology marketing through a copywriting lens. Direct download available here (right click and “Save As”). Or listen in the player at the top of…

Storytelling in B2B marketing: how to use a three-act structure

We look at how content marketers can use a three-act structure to tell a story that keeps people engaged.

The debut of How to Use Apostrophes

Cue music. “Apostrophes are one of the trickiest pieces of punctuation in the English language. Tricky, but not impossible.”

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