Can you teach great B2B technology copywriting?

It’s no secret that B2B copywriting is hard. But is it a skill that can be learned, or are some people just born with it? George taps up some experts for their thoughts.

Windows and MS Word productivity hacks for copywriters

You’ve probably read many blogs on improving your writing, but what about ways to make your typing more efficient? George offers you some ultra-handy word-processing productivity tips.

Poetry in B2B: epic sword of lightning, or really bad idea?

With marketers looking for new formats to engage prospects, it can only be a matter of time before white papers start to be repurposed into poetry. George has one word of advice: don’t.

Swearing in B2B copy: f**k yeah, or goodness gracious no!

B2B is moving towards more emotive, powerful and concise messaging, but is it possible for it to be too edgy? Could hard-hitting language put off audiences?

GHz, HDD, TB: Why B2C tech copy needs to step it up

B2B is meant to be the dullard when it comes to marketing creativity. But is it always? George argues that B2C should take a leaf out of the B2B playbook when it comes to marketing complex technologies.

Radix writing experiment: pair copywriting

One of the great things about having six writers under one roof is that we can team up to spark new ideas and creative approaches. We’ve recently been experimenting with doing this in a formalised way, borrowing a technique from the software development industry. George explains all.

A balancing act: three things to avoid as a new B2B copywriter

George has recently joined our growing team as a junior copywriter, so we asked him to lay down his impressions of working with us in these first weeks.

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