Blog page for Radix Communications

How to atomise a big B2B content piece into smaller assets

Want to maintain the momentum of your hero piece of B2B content? Ben shares advice on how to break down large content into valuable, smaller assets.

University won’t prepare you for the B2B learning curve (and that’s OK)

Before you enter the world of B2B copywriting, we recommend taking the time to adjust your expectations. Let me explain.

B2BQ&A 110: How can you find the right SEO keywords for niche B2B content?

In this episode, Andy Crestodina talks us through the challenges and opportunities of keyword research in a niche B2B market.

ChatGPT and B2B copywriters: mortal enemies or better together?

Can AI really write like a B2B copywriter? We sent our Head of Copy into the uncanny valley to find out.

How to build a career in B2B copywriting

In this blog, Niall takes a look at the skills you need to get into copywriting and what a career in B2B copywriting might look like.

How much tech knowledge do you need to become a B2B technology copywriter?

Interested in becoming a B2B tech copywriter, but not sure how much technical knowledge you really need? Here’s how we help our writers get up to speed.

7 ways to make your B2B writing more inclusive

It isn’t always easy to write inclusively – but it is always important. Here’s why, and what you can do to be more inclusive in your B2B content.

B2BQ&A 109.5: Copywriters share their top tips for writing B2B content

In this mini episode of B2BQ&A, eight copywriters share their favourite tips for writing brilliant B2B content.

Title case: to Capitalise or not to capitalise?

There’s a certain grandiosity to title case, but it can get a little confusing. To help, we’ve set out some general rules and quirks to look out for.

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