Blog page for Radix Communications

Podcast 36: Pay, gender, location & skills – the state of UK copywriting

The latest Pro Copywriters Network survey raised a few eyebrows. We pick out some highlights, and ask what it really means for B2B copywriters.

3 big problems with “marketing to millennials” in B2B

Tons of people are advising B2B brands to “market to millennials”. But what does that actually mean? A lot less than you might think, says Steve (25).

Radix’s Adventures in Tech #3: Tanglebots, assemble!

In our ongoing quest to get under the hood of more technology, Fiona tries her hand at coding, electronics and robotics.

Female copywriters respond to copywriting’s gender pay gap

We were shocked when the Pro Copywriters Survey revealed a 28% pay gap between men and women. So we asked top female copywriters for their views.

Three people your B2B copywriter definitely needs to meet

As a marketer, it can be daunting to put your suppliers in direct contact with the characters inside your organisation. But for writers, it’s a gift.

Podcast 35: Three kinds of B2B marketing content you’re probably missing

If you focus all your marketing content on the funnel, you’re only doing half the job. Let’s introduce you to PREFU, REFU and POFU…

Radix’s Adventures in Tech #2: Learning Python

In an ill-advised attempt to automate his own copywriting job, George gets his hands dirty with coding basic apps in Python.

Part of our funnel is missing: 3 kinds of asset content marketing forgot

Every content marketer knows about TOFU, MOFU and BOFU. We need to talk about PREFU, REFU and POFU.

Podcast 34: What it takes to master B2B ads

Find out why B2B ad copy needs to be let off the leash and how to stop it being so by-the-numbers.

Editorial boards in B2B content marketing: a beginners’ guide

Find out why editorial boards are great for reliably producing the marketing content your business needs – and how to run one successfully.

Create B2B tech marketing content that really works

Get regular advice and insights from our team of specialist B2B tech writers and account managers, direct to your inbox.