Blog page for Radix Communications

Radix Copycast episode 5 – is shorter always better in marketing copy?

In 1953 Watson and Crick published their paper on the structure of DNA – drastically changing our understanding of all organisms. The paper was only 800 words long. Technology copywriting often involves complex subjects and products, but how do you…

Getting Started with B2B Podcasting

What do you need to start podcasting? We’ve produced a not-too-techy guide for first-time podcasters.

Radix Copycast episode 4 – how to create better B2B case studies

They are the ‘bread and butter’ of enterprise technology marketing, with 78% of business to business marketers citing them as the most effective format for generating leads. But if that’s the case, why do so many customer case studies follow…

Radix Copycast episode 3 – getting to grips with storytelling in B2B

Welcome to the latest Radix Copycast – a podcast exploring the trends and issues in B2B technology marketing through a copywriting lens.

Storytelling in B2B: more than just beginning – middle – end

There are many ways to tell stories. Find out how to apply story structures to B2B marketing content, from case studies to infographics.

Radix Copycast episode 2 – the jargon conundrum and making boring things interesting

In episode 2 of the Radix Copycast, we explore the conundrum that jargon presents to copywriters and how you can make (seemingly) boring things interesting.

I print therefore I am – the continued rise of 3D printers

3D printing has come along a great deal in a short space of time. Read this blog post to discover more about this new, digital technology for the real world.

Storytelling in B2B marketing: using the seven basic plots

Join us as we look at the seven basic plots that all stories follow.

Welcome to the Radix Copycast – a copywriting podcast for B2B technology marketers

This week we unveil the Radix Copycast – a new podcast exploring trends and issues in B2B technology marketing through a copywriting lens. Direct download available here (right click and “Save As”). Or listen in the player at the top of…

Storytelling in B2B marketing: how to use a three-act structure

We look at how content marketers can use a three-act structure to tell a story that keeps people engaged.

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