Podcast 69: B2B tech copywriters versus the “Gender Say Gap”

Female copywriters are an overwhelming majority, according to the 2018 ProCopywriters survey – so why are so few of us writing for B2B tech?

The B2B Content Audio Blog #10: five essential QA tests for B2B copywriting

How do you get an objective view of which content will work, and which won’t? We use a hierarchy of five key tests.

The B2B Content Audio Blog #9: a foolproof blog post structure you can steal

In six minutes flat, you can pick up a structure that works for almost any blog post.

The B2B Content Audio Blog #7: how to write an ebook that gets results

What are the hallmarks of a truly great B2B ebook? Here’s our definitive guide.

Podcast 66: is it ever OK to use comedy in B2B copy – and if so, how do you do it well?

Humour is an ultra-subjective thing, so you might think it’s best to avoid comedy in B2B copywriting. But is that really true – and if not, how do you go about getting it right?

How to write content about the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is a hot trend in technology – one marketers and copywriters both have to get to grips with. George offers four tips to ensure your IoT-focused content stays on track.

When copywriters show their working, everybody wins. Here’s why.

For years now, Kieran has been writing notes for our clients at the top of his copy documents. Now we’re asking all our writers to – where necessary – do the same…

What happens in a B2B messaging workshop?

The B2B messaging workshops we run are a great way to ensure your communications are consistent – but how long do they take, and what will you get out of it? Here’s our guide for marketers.

What’s the best way to become a B2B tech copywriter?

Nobody grows up thinking ‘I want to be a B2B tech copywriter’ – so how did our writers end up here (and loving it)? Ben asks the gang...

Podcast 59: writing email subject lines, B2B InTech 2018

Steve shares five proven ways to write B2B email subject lines… plus one crazy thought you might have overlooked. David reports from B2B InTech 2018.

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